Historia y leyendas

Native American Cultures. Myths and magic

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The mythical stories, many of them linked to the literary genre of fantasy, reveal a world where the divine and the human intertwine in narratives that explain the cosmic order, creation, and the fundamental structure of the universe. Discover how these sacred tales bear witness to the deep connection of the natives with nature and spirituality.

This book challenges deep-seated stereotypes and offers an enriching perspective that contributes to a more comprehensive and respectful appreciation of the indigenous peoples of North America. Through an understanding of their myths and beliefs, we are taking an important step toward cultural reconciliation and the recognition of the diversity that has enriched the history of this continent.

In its reading, you will discover a millennia-old legacy of rich and varied cultures that remain an essential part of North America. Within these pages, you will find a treasure trove of myths that connect the past with the present, offering a unique insight into a world where the extraordinary is everyday.

Bison hunters

Bison huntersDiscover the mythical characters and bosses that have populated the imagination of these cultures for millennia. From the wise figure of Cocopah, the mysterious Haida or the great leader Sitting Bull, these sacred narratives reveal a world where the divine and the human are intertwined.

This book not only challenges rooted stereotypes, but also offers an enriching perspective that contributes to a more complete and respectful appreciation of the native peoples of North America.

Through understanding their myths and beliefs, we are taking an important step towards cultural reconciliation and appreciation of the diversity that has enriched the history of this continent. Immerse yourself in a millennial legacy of rich and varied cultures, where mythical characters come to life and connect the past with the present, offering a unique vision of a world where extraordinary is every day.

Native American chiefs

Crazy HorseLearn about the rich traditions and myths of the indigenous peoples, exploring their deep connection to bison hunting. Discover how this majestic creature was fundamental to their lives, providing essential food, clothing and tools. In their way of life, hunting was carried out sustainably and with deep respect for animals.

Through these stories, know the hunters and bosses who worshipped the bison, such as Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. This book challenges rooted stereotypes and offers an enriching perspective that highlights the importance of bison hunting in native culture.

Immerse yourself in a millennial legacy of rich and varied cultures that honored bison as a symbol of life and sustainability and that has left a legacy to the present generations.

Spirituality and Magic

Panther ShamanLearn about the rich fabric of spirituality and magic that has defined North American native cultures for centuries. Native American Cultures: Myths and magic takes you on a fascinating journey, where mystical beliefs and myths reveal the deep connection between the earthly and the transcendental. Explore how these mythical narratives not only explain the cosmic order and structure of the universe, but also its profound relationship with nature and spirituality.

This book challenges rooted stereotypes by offering an enriching insight into the magical beliefs that have enriched North American history. It opens a window to a world where the extraordinary is an integral part of everyday life. Reading these pages, you will discover that spirituality and magic are not only part of the history of these peoples, but also a living and relevant tradition that deserves to be understood and respected in all its depth.


Culturas Nativas de Norteamérica Nativos de Norteamérica

“Culturas Nativas de Norteamérica: Mitos, Historias y Tradiciones”. Hemos recopilado la sorprendente diversidad de creencias, valores y mitos que han sido transmitidos de generación en generación por las culturas originarias del norte del continente americano en un libro, el que puedes adquirir en Amazon o, ver más detalles en el siguiente enlace de nuestra web: Culturas Nativas de Norteamérica.

Descubre la Fascinante Historia de los Primeros Habitantes de Norteamérica. Sumérgete en un viaje a través del tiempo para explorar los orígenes de los nativos de Norteamérica, cuya historia se remonta a aproximadamente 60,000 años atrás. En este emocionante relato, te llevaremos a un viaje épico en el que un gran número de personas emprendió un desplazamiento desde las cálidas llanuras de Asia central hacia las vastas tierras de Siberia en el noreste. Sin embargo, su búsqueda no se detuvo allí. Descubrirás cómo atravesaron la península de Chukotka para llegar a América, aprovechando un puente de tierra o hielo que conectaba Chukotka con lo que ahora conocemos como Alaska.

Un Viaje Fascinante a los Dioses de Egipto De Ra a Osiris. Embárcate en un emocionante recorrido por el tiempo en "Un Viaje Fascinante a los Dioses de Egipto: De Ra a Osiris", donde los dioses del Egipto antiguo emergen vivamente en cada página. Esta obra no solo despliega mitologías ancestrales, sino que también sumerge al lector en los aspectos místicos y esotéricos de una cultura repleta de riquezas e historia.

Antes de sumergirnos en las fascinantes mitologías que cautivaron a una civilización atemporal, es esencial comprender el contexto histórico que moldeó estas creencias sagradas. En la tierra del Nilo, donde su curso fluye como un eje vital de la civilización, se desarrolló una historia intrínsecamente unida a la magia de sus divinidades.


Diccionario de Mitos y Leyendas: De héroes, dioses y criaturas fantásticasDiccionario de Mitos y Leyendas: De héroes, dioses y criaturas fantásticas. Adéntrate en un viaje apasionante a través de los misterios y maravillas de la mitología y las leyendas de todo el mundo. Este diccionario es una puerta de entrada a un vasto universo de relatos y narrativas que han capturado la imaginación de la humanidad durante siglos. Desde los mitos griegos que pueblan el Olimpo hasta las historias sagradas de las culturas indígenas, este libro revela la esencia de lo que significa ser humano.Puedes adquirir este libro en Amazon en el enlace de arriba.

Gods of Egypt: From Ra to OsirisGods of Egypt: From Ra to Osiris. Explore the Magic and History of Gods of Egypt in this fascinating journey: From Ra to Osiris. Welcome to a captivating journey through time, where the gods of ancient Egypt come to life on the pages of "Gods of Egypt: From Ra to Osiris. This work not only unravels forgotten myths but also immerses the reader in the magical and mysterious aspects of a rich and ancient culture.