Historia y leyendas

The thunderbird.

It is understandable that many myths interpret atmospheric weather fantastically in such an element-dependent environment. Many tribes believe that the trumpet is a powerful bird whose eyes and peak emit flashes and whose whistles are as loud as a trumpet.

Wakinyan, the Bird of the Throne, is considered by the Lakots as an auxiliary deity and a representation of the Supreme Being, possessing terrible powers of creation and destruction. For the Iroquois, this eagle-shaped creature adopts a human form as a child, the spirit of the thunder and guardian of the heavens.

Tribes in western North America believe that every end of the world has one of these thunderbirds. The Battle of the Thunderbird is said to cause earthquakes, floods and terrible storms because it constantly fights evil spirits and monsters.

The northwestern Tsim Shians make a wooden bird statue and place it on a large post outside their shops. This image is believed to protect the soul of the shaman, who can encounter many dangers during his flight in heaven. The stone ropes of the Thunderbird stitch the trees damaged by lightning, demonstrating their power.


Native American Cultures: Myths and magicNative American Cultures: Myths and magic

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This book challenges deep-seated stereotypes and offers an enriching perspective that contributes to a more comprehensive and respectful appreciation of the indigenous peoples of North America. Through an understanding of their myths and beliefs, we are taking an important step toward cultural reconciliation and the recognition of the diversity that has enriched the history of this continent.
These mythical stories, many of them linked to the literary genre of fantasy, reveal a world where the divine and the human intertwine in narratives that explain the cosmic order, creation, and the fundamental structure of the universe. Discover how these sacred tales bear witness to the deep connection of the natives with nature and spirituality.